
Reflecting on the very concise but informative guide provided for and authored by Lou Juachon, Ph.D. entitled “To Learn How to Learn”, the material gave tips on how to learn effectively. An important way to learn is to follow through with complex processes such as digesting information, asking questions, reflecting on your understanding of the material. This will be a means to make abstract concepts more concrete.

Using ones imagination by placing oneself in circumstances that relate to the topic discussed or being learn can result to the absorption of the concepts that are needed to be assimilated and understood.

Study questions are tools in providing a deeper understanding of the material by providing a guide for the performance of the complex processes as described above. Study questions can also provide insight on the important aspects or the objective of the material.

Reading the material three times can also aid in understanding and absorbing the concepts required within the material.

There is an available short course on “Learning How to Learn” which is available at Coursera, a website that offers massive online courses.

One of the most important things that I learned in that course is the Pomodoro Technique – a technique whereby you force yourself to focus on your task for 25 minutes and you get a short break after the time. It can be motivating in achieving tasks and aiding in time management.


Lou Juachon, Ph.D. GUIDE – How to Learn

https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn “Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects”

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